its a small promotional graphic for my new animation collaberation with Animatigo. project named Whats up Wheeler. originally just a concept sketch by animatigo, has been adapted into a full series of short animations which i have been writing for and designing graphics for for over a month. it will not be released for a while. but when it does, i am sure it will be at least amusing to watch :D well i hope so.
i have some voice actors from youtube and NG helping out with the casting, and well.. everything else by me i guess. wheeler is the creative director and checker of mistakes i make lol. :D his concept kick started it all. and he deserves a huge yay in his face. :D good job wheeler!
First comment lol!!!
Not much of an update for me, but at least its a new post... rai rai...
rai rai rice and beans :D YAY confetti :D thanks for the comment. YAY first reply CONFETTI... :D