i love cartoons more than you. they're totally Bonerific :D:D:D

Age 36, Male


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My New Animation! Not on NG. :/

Posted by Stalagmite - December 7th, 2009

/* */
Its to big to upload to Newgrounds becuase its done in a different program and has no preloader. let me know what you think of it! ^ ^
i hope the video works ^ ^


"An error occurred, please try again later."

oh god dayum :( sorry man, it may not be accesable to some for unexplained reasons. i wish i knew wtf caused it :/ sorry!

i have to say, im sad it couldnt be on newgrounds. it would have probably gotten an award. its still pretty good, and quite random. you know, i was thinking that you and onionsxd could make a series about joshie and the puppies, because a few people asked in their reviews of man man 2, "what happened to the little boy and the puppies?!?" just an idea, though it would be really funny if you wrote it, did music for it, and did voices, and onionsxd would animate it.

oh, and ive always wondered, do you live in australia?

see ya on the audio portal!

EVERYONE thinks i am an aussie, and i LOVE it, coz aussies are super seyan smexy ^ ^ no i am not, i am english ^ ^ rofls. pip pip and tea n shit. :D

yes, if onions is up for that, then so am i!!! ^ ^ i would love to see how that goes :D

YOU SHOULD DEMAND THIS BE PUT ON HERE NORMAL :L! I would cause its one of the best things i seen on here...

thanks buddy! yeah its the animation program i use.. i know it really well, flash is completely different though :/ it would take me years to learn flash to be at the standard i am at atm with anime studio :D
yeah i will see what i can do though ^ ^

Find a way to get this on Newgrounds man, it's great!

heh tanks man ^ ^ anime studio is a real bitch, it dont work that well :/

I can get that on newgrounds for you man. *shhh im not really here. Pm me*

sounds good, but i dont need it on here really ^^ itll get two minutes of attention and some cocks abusing the comment section, then it will be thrown into the bin.
thanks for your consideration man, but no thanks ^ ^

you are indeed a funny guy, and the lipsync was good too! :)

Why thanks dewd ^ ^ i am best at lipsyncing, its the rest of it i have difficulty with ^ ^

WOW! grate cartoon!

Script was terrific I really noticed that and there mouths were particularly creative...with the big teeth and all...

Very good background too very happy and joyful! :3

lol awesome my man! You know if you wanted to put these things on NGs I could probably decomplie the .swf file and slap a preloader on it then resend you the new fancy .swf file and you could post it. I could probably compress it for you as well. ANYWHOOOO how are things? You rock and smell pretty.

Was it done in toonboom?

heh, no it was done in Anime studio pro 5.5! :D its much quicker than toon boom :D but less impressive graphic wise :D

Why are happy about crappy graphics?
Fox uses toon boom to make The Simpsons.
Merry christmas. (bitch....)

Why you no talk to me anymore eh?

because i dont want to catch the "AWESOME" disease. its side effects are "paparazzi" and "dinner with Guen Stefani* EAURG!

just cuz im named onaga dosent mean i was named after food. i used to think i could eat my self when i was 7. but, i was named onaga. and no, im not japanese, i have a friend from japan, though.

you used to think you could eat yourself ^ ^ lol. onaga is a cool name, dont get me wrong! :D its pretty awesome.

seriously though, stag, you really need to learn flash! Because seriously, your animations are awesome, and I wish that more were submitted to NG. Too bad NG doesnt take anime studio. Oh wells. Apples was hilarious, I'll give you that!

hehe thank you my friend :D yeah i would'nt mind learning it actually, only i am into my artwork mainly now :D so i dont have time to aniamte anymore! :D

i actually bit a chunk out of myself at the time. i ha to go to the hospital.

wow. thats really hilarious and stupid LOL :D
none the less, cannibalism is WRONG! *smacks you on nose with rolled up magazine* BAD! naughty!

i was only 6 at the time. aso, i likes the part " apple sounds like crapple"

LOL! ^ ^ thanks buddy !X3

so, you saw the funny video of me getting pissed at sonic unleashed?

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h5lGp23Izpo&feature=related">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h5lGp2 3Izpo&feature=related</a> more scenes o fme getting mad at sonic unleashed. my family is kinda rich which is why im in some gamefly commercials. now that was a little camera watching us as we get mad at our games. those other people are my neighbors.

I can only imagine, these are the voices you battle with EVERYday, inside that brilliant noggin of yours, Stag-a-rino! Once again, well done, amazingly so, in fact.
*takes in a deep breath of whatever that is you're cooking, and pulls my legs in a bit, so you can't see them, under your bed*
I miss ya. I mean, sure, I stalk your animations and post randomly, here and there, in a lame attempt to keep in touch with you, but I miss ya.
Hope this New Year is bringing you nothing but gold, gold, gold! And I ain't talkin' precious metals, either! You deserve EVERY bit of joy that finds it way in your heart!
*hugz and lovies*
Love, me