you just blew me away. I DONT CARE if you dont think you earned these compliments! YOU DID! if you fail to believe i will find you and force you to eat lima beans.
this has a real dreamers ambience to begin, begining the journey light and gentle. floating the mind towards nirvana and lifting the heart into the warm embrace of the flute ( i think). your strings breath the very life into this piece and are beautifully complimented by the flute! i think as it builds there are many stunning things going on. but i really lost 30% of the mood when the eventual climax occurs....with the string stabs... i felt it wasnt justice for the build.
I really think it is the most beautiful piece i have ever heard from you, and also one of the most beautiful pieces of electronic music i have ever heard.
well done. I really wish you would submit a song purely based on the gentle warmth of the start of the song. just keep it simple and calm for meditation :D
you literally tugged on my heart with the first minute of this song.
you where clearly made for THIS MUSIC! make more. :D thats an order. :D