Cheese much?
holy cheese mongers! this has some of the most epic writing content i have ever heard. YOU sir, are full of random win. GET TO DA CHOPPA! holy shit LOL.
This pizza was full of a peppery performance, spicey Meat-erial...and a set on a good written base of cheese packed fluffy light hearted, smokey baked bread!
topped with EXTRA shavings... Extra dollops... Fuck it... AN ENTIRE CRATE of cheese. LOL. and melted carefully at "COOL AS FUCK" degrees Faranheit. Lets not forget the lite sprinlking of a selection of funny varieties of voiced herby Hilarity, scratches of salt and "this-season"ing. and served with a side order of WTF. and a large Ball-berry Milkshake and of course... a wolverine action figure.
I like that you used no sound effects. and i think your voices are geniunely very good! and the arny is wicked. i wish my range where lower like everyone elses :(:(:(...
Well man... this is the ideal pizzeria for me! only one thing.... what if I HATE CHEESE!!!!!!!!!!
Good luck man :D:D:D