you are evil.
you are evil. because i will be telling everyone i spoke to you whilst you before you where famous.. and no one will believe me.
you voice... "winey"? suffice i was to say. WTF... although i heavily disagree with the harmonic vocals at the end, they are not climactic in the way i would have prefered, the harmonies are quite hard... and not quite subtle enough for me. also.. i like your piano sound.. you are good at compositions.. however i dislike the immediate string introduction.. then vocals immediately after..
i think your piano breaths beautifully, and then your strings overpower and take over to rapidly... then voice comes in and the piano is gone...
Okay... now... i love your voice acting. your ASTOUNDING at singing. your highest harmonic note right at the end was beautifully balanced and well projected. i think agani the piano is brilliant. the strings are excellent, although they lack texture and subtlety. try some gentle plucking, harps? also addition instraments to replace the piano.
i am giving you what i think is a constructive review. only because i respect you enough to care about helping you improve towards your stardom! lol.
as i have already said... you touched my soul with your animation. and your voice is excellent. i think this is worthy of 10 definately in terms of effort.
i wish i could get the accepella of you singing. nudge nudge. :D:D:D
brilliant work... deep... dark.. but true and beautiful.
i am sensing you are a christian :D:D:D god bless you and your work :D:D:D