I cant deny this is amazingly animated and the style is excellent.
however if there is meant to be a story here, your not telling it in a way people can relate/enjoy/understand.
just work on the execution of your story telling a little more, its somewhat daunting to have all of these random unexplaned scenes jumbled together without reason.
I failed to connect with any of the characters, as i didn't even know who any of them where and I had no reason to care.
i just reccomend if you wanna make something serious, dark and sinister, then allow us to build a connection with the characters in order to help us care whether or not they die. also giving things a reason for occuring tends to make it more believable, thus making your audience more interested and absorbed in a believable story.
i still watched it and kind of enjoyed it in a "just killing time" kind of way. although i dont deny, i enjoyed writing this review more.