WELL. thank you for the invite. ^_^
I give you 5 points because half the battle is having the gonads to get your voice heard. but the other half is always the hardest to obtain. you have the basic structure of performing accents but you should listen to all of these accents alot more, and practice them until you really have them down to a T. the challenge with voice acting is ensuring your voice is full and rich with energy, that is enough to constantly grasp the attention of the listener. to do this you need to have a dynamic range, (you didnt really do high or low voices in this demo, just same voice, different accents. (there are places in the throat you can access to create more voice effects and vocal impressions ) you could have more volume tampering, that is changing the volume of your voice naturally. E.G. why did all of your charcters jusr say there lines? why didnt some whisper as though they where scared, or maybe some where religious, some where bigguted, a few where really energetic. some can be annoying. you have some accents down well, like your japanese and I like your hispanic and latino type ones. if your trying to make your demo interesting make it shorter, (about a minute is reccomended) funnier (write more humurous characters with personality, not just accents saying what would typically be said in a dull situation) and make it stand out! Shout and scream, give us something to laugh at. most people on NG are afraid to speak out loud and voice act with some bollocks because "mum might hear". that is many peoples problem. so just voice act whilst mum is away. thats what i do ^_^
X3 keep up the good efforts! where my critique is somewhat direct and clinical my intentions are purely to help, as you asked me for it :) it does not mean you have produced crap. it just means i am eager to push you forward! :3 keep up the good work! and keep me updated on your future submissions reguarding voice acting. there arent enough of us out there! peace out! :D